| - n. 将(款额)记入(某人帐户的)收方, 借方 owed or withdrawn (by sb)
- n. 将(肉、 蔬菜等)切成小方块, 切成丁 into small cubes
- v. 将(资料、 文件等)定为官方密件而仅供某些人使用. to be officially secret and available only to certain people
- n. 尊敬, 关心, 方面, 尊敬, 敬意, 问候, 重视, 考虑, 着眼点, 歧视, (与of, for连用)尊敬, 尊重, 注意, 敬意, 敬重, 关系, 有关 respect
- adj. 尊重规则公平对待双方或各方 a fair `hearing opportunity of being listened to impartially, usu in a lawcourt 公平的申辩机会(通常指於法庭中). fair `play equal treatment of both or all sides because of respect for the rules
- 小儿复方氨酚烷胺颗粒 Compound Paracetamol and Amantadine Hydrochloride
- 小四方花盆 square flower pot
- 小型给水方式 small water supply system
- n. 小屋, 门房, 支部, 传达室, 看守小屋, 草屋, 帐篷, 小旅馆, 包箱, 前座, 分会, 分会会议, 开会处, 聚集处, 巢穴, 兽穴, 大学生联谊会, 大学女生联欢会, 院长住宅, (供猎人、登山者休息的)小屋, 海狸窝, (猎人住的)山林小屋, (游览区的)旅馆, (地方社团的)集会处 lodge
- n. 小平面, 方面, 刻面, 晶面, 小眼面, 柱槽筋, 凸线, 磨光面, (钻石的)小平面, 一个方面, 面, 琢面 facet
- 小方丘 butte
- 小方台布 small square table cloth
- 小方地毯 carpet square
- 小方地毯 carpet tile
- n. 小方地毯. =>illus at App carpet tiles, ie carpet sold in small squares for laying in rows
- 小方块亚麻布 cranky