| - v. 她放大收音机的音量以压过来往车辆的嘈杂声. the noise of the traffic
- n. 她获提升後职位比我高, 我压抑不住忌妒的心情. I couldn't help feeling jealous when she was promoted over my head
- adj. 她身为政治家一生不断受到的压力. the relentless pressure of her life as a politician
- v. 威压, 压服, 压抑, 结实过多 overbear
- vt. 威慑, 威震, 使畏缩, 吓住, 威压, 慑服, 使敬畏 overawe
- n. 子宫压定器, 子宫套, 子宫托, 子宫帽, 阴道药栓, 阴道环, (纠正子宫错位用的)子宫托, (女子避孕用的)子宫套, 阴道栓剂 pessary
- 孔内侧压试验仪 Lateral load tester (LLT)
- 孔压效应 hole-pressure effect
- 孔压效应 hole-pressure error effect
- 孔压误差效应 hole-pressure effect
- 孔压误差效应 hole-pressure error effect
- 孔性压力参数A A-parameter
- 孔隙压力参数B B-parameter
- 孔隙压力消散现象 Pore pressure dissipation
- 孔隙压力系数 Pore pressure coefficient
- 孔隙水压力计 pore pressure gauge