| - adj. 拥挤的, 交通堵塞的, 充血的 congested
- 拿...作交易, 牺牲...以换取某种利益; barter away
- n. 持枪抢劫, 停顿, 耽搁, (交通的)阻塞, 拦路抢劫, 拦劫行人的强盗行为, 劫盗, 无理的讨价 holdup
- 持续净额交收系统 Continuous Net Settlement System [CNS System]
- v. 指两人等)交换事物, 互换 give sth to and receive sth from each other; exchange (
- n. 指两人)性交, 云雨. have sexual intercourse (
- adj. 指交通事故)驾驶人肇事後不顾而去的. caused by a driver who does not stop to help, call an ambulance, etc (
- adj. 指交通)双向流动的. in lanes travelling in both directions (
- adj. 指人等之间的交流)双向进行的, 有来有往的 operating in both directions (
- adj. 指人)不交际的, 离群索居的 uncommunicative or unsociable (
- v. 指人)变得热情或愿意交谈 become more friendly or talkative (
- v. 指人)相处, 交往 come or be together socially (
- v. 指动植物)产生杂交品种, 杂交. produce hybrids; interbreed (
- n. 指动物)交配, 交尾. mate (
- n. 指女子)使某人有性交的欢愉 bestow one's favours on sb (
- n. 指女子)(过分)随意性交. free with one's favours (