| - v. 把...装入袋中,猎杀,占有 bag
- vt. 把...装桶, 装入桶内 barrel
- v. 把...装罐, 罐装 pot
- vt. 把...装进袋子 bag
- v. 把信(对)摺起来再装入信封. before putting it in the envelope
- 把回转仪装在框架上 cage
- adj. 把多余的杯子都重新装入箱中. Repack all the superfluous cups in the box
- n. 把天线安装在接收效果最好的位置上 position the aerial for the best reception
- adv. 把它装到此处为止. Fill it up to here
- 把它装进去吧! In with it!
- n. 把安装淋浴器的工作分包给水暖工. subcontract the installation of the shower to a plumber
- n. 把影片装进(放映机里)去 thread film in(to a projector)
- n. 把新胶卷装进照相机里. load a new film into the camera
- v. 把新食物装入冰箱冷冻室为圣诞节做准备 restock the freezer for Christmas
- n. 把机器装入大木箱中. a machine
- adj. 把模型的各个部件组装在一起. fit the pieces of a model kit together