| - 暗黑色亚麻 blue flax
- 暗黑色层 sombric horizon
- v. 暮色四合, 渐而一片漆黑. Twilight merged into total darkness
- n. 更换打字机的色带. change the typewriter ribbon
- n. 更文雅, 尤其在文学语言中常用以描绘景色 broad shoulders 宽阔的双肩. Otherwise it is more formal than wide and is often used, especially in literary language, to describe features of the landscape 在其他情况下, broad比wide
- 曼塔彩色披巾 manta
- n. 曼巴(非洲黑色或绿色毒蛇). black or green poisonous African snake
- 最适化色盘 adaptive palette
- 月华色丝 ombré silk
- 月华色彩丝绒 velours ombré
- adj. 月球上荒凉的景色. the gaunt landscape of the moon
- n. 月的表面, 月面景色, 月面似的荒凉景色 moonscape
- adj. 有一道红色的条纹从左上方斜穿到右下方的黄旗. a yellow flag with a red band going crosswise from top left to bottom right
- adj. 有三色的,三色的,用三色的 tricolored
- adj. 有三色的,三色的,用三色的 tricolored
- adj. 有两种颜色或声音的. having two colours or sounds