| - vt. 蚀, 遮蔽…的光, 使…黯然失色, 超过, 使…蒙上一层阴影, 引起日蚀, 引起月蚀, 超越, 使黯然失色 eclipse
- 蜂王天然花粉 royal jelly natural pollen
- n. 表层土, 表土, 耕层, 上层土, 天然矿土, 表土层 topsoil
- 表示冷淡, 漠然置之; 不感兴趣 hold loose
- v. 被告的律师辩称其委托人显然是无辜的. Counsel for the defence submitted that his client was clearly innocent
- adj. 被咒语所镇住的, 被迷住的, 茫然不知所之的, 着迷的, 走火入魔的, 着了迷的, 被符咒镇住的, 出神的 spellbound
- adj. 被强迫的, 拘泥的, 不舒服的, 受压制的, 勉强的, 限定的, 受约束的, 笨拙的, 不熟练的, 不自然的, 棘手的, 被迫的 constrained
- 袭取;突然攻夺;博取(观众的)欢心 take by storm
- 裁判员有权勒令他退场吗? However, when have2 refers to a specific object, fact or feature, etc, British speakers tend to form negatives and questions without an auxiliary verb (informally they use have got), while US speakers invariably form them with do 然而当have2 , , have got), 而美国人则一律使用do Does the referee have the power to send him off the field?
- v. 裂开, 分开(尤指沿天然纹理) break or split, esp along a natural line
- n. 裂缝, 声变, 破裂声, 爆裂声, 缝隙, 分裂, 裂开, 突然的重击, 试图, 尝试, 笑话, 玩笑, 闲谈, (嗓子的)变音, 粗哑, 噼啪声 crack
- adj. 装模作样的, 不自然的, 同性恋的 campy
- adj. 装模作样的, 矫揉造作的, 墨守成规的, 有礼貌的, 具有某种状态的, 墨守旧风格的, 具有特殊风格的, 不自然的, 守规矩的, 矫饰的 mannered
- adj. 裸体的, 无装饰的, 明白的, 无遮盖的, 无罩的, 赤裸裸的, 直率的, 露骨的, 无证据的, 无保证的, 无防备的, 显然的, 贫乏的, 缺少的, 无皱的, 无细毛的, 无羽毛的, 无绝缘的, 赤裸的, 明显的, 缺少…的, 无保护的, 无证据的, 未证实的 naked
- n. 要密切注意病人病情可能突然变化. Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient's condition
- 要想痊愈就听其自然吧. 老天爷最有办法. Leave the cure to Mother Nature. She knows best