| - 将, 将军(国际象棋中将死对方时的呼叫). call made when checkmating one's opponent
- 将军制定出了新的进攻方案. The general worked out a new plan of attack
- n. 将对方击倒而获胜的一击 blow that knocks a boxer out
- n. 将对方手臂扭到背后, 锁臂 hammerlock
- v. 将某事物传送、 传递、 传达或传染给对方 itself from one person, place or thing to another
- 将某人交给警方拘押 hand sb over to the police to be arrested
- adj. 将某物弄成方形或矩形 give sth a square or rectangular shape or outline
- v. 将球击偏斜飞至击球员左後方场地. glance the ball down to fine leg
- n. 将甜菜根切成整齐的小方块. neatly
- n. 将礼物带给初生的耶稣的)东方三贤人. the Magi the three wise men from the East who brought gifts to the infant Jesus (
- v. 将(房子、 地方等)翻修和装饰(以适合中产阶级的人居住). to make it suitable for middle-class residents
- v. 将(某人[某事物])转至另一(常指次要)地方 place
- n. 将(某人[某物])向某方向投、 掷、 扔或抛 in the specified direction; toss
- adj. 将(某人)放逐到无法逃脱的地方(如荒岛) in a place from which he cannot escape, eg a desert island
- v. 将(某物)放错地方 in the wrong place
- n. 将(某物)轻击向某方向 to move in the specified direction by doing this