| - n. 出租汽车, 出租车 taxicab
- 出租汽车里程计 taximeter
- 出租的房屋。 a house to let
- n. 出租的)公寓, 房间. apartment or room let for living in (
- n. 出租马车的人, 穿制服的仆役 liveryman
- v. 出租(房子、 房间等) in return for regular payments
- 出米率 milled rice rate
- adj. 出类拔萃的人、 非凡的业绩、 引人瞩目的事件、 特别好的书 a remarkable person, feat, event, book
- 出类拔萃, 居首位 at the top of one's class
- 出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群 fill the bill supereminence
- 出纳台 circulation desk
- 出纳台 delivery desk
- 出纳员偷走了当天的进款. A cashier ran away with the day's takings
- v. 出纳员把钱柜关好并锁上了. The cashier shut the till and locked it
- 出纳簿 B.B., B/B bill book
- 出自, 生自; (冲破...)出来; 脱离, 摆脱 come out of