| - n. 谁总瞎改动电线线路? with the wiring?
- v. 谁把我写在黑板上的数字擦掉了? Who's rubbed my figures off the blackboard?
- v. 谁把我的文件扔得满地都是? Who's scattered my papers all over the floor?
- v. 谁把我的火柴拿走了? Who's bagged my matches?
- v. 谁把我的自行车骑走了? Who's taken my bicycle?
- v. 谁把我的计算器偷走了? Who's swiped my calculator?
- 谁把我的钢笔拿走了? Who's gone off with my pen?
- v. 谁把我的铅笔拿走了? Who's filched my pencil?
- v. 谁把牛奶泼出来了? =>illus at pour 见pour插图. spilled the milk?
- v. 谁把蛋糕都吃光了?'`我想是汤姆[大概是汤姆]吧.' it was Tom.' `
- v. 谁撞我了? Who shoved me?
- adj. 谁是以前的属有人? Who was the previous owner?
- 谁是你的健在的最近的亲属? Who is your next of kin?
- n. 谁是昨晚节目的主持人? Cf 参看 MC 1. emcee of the show last night?
- 谁是这家商行真正管事的经理? Who is the real manager of the firm (ie the person who effectively runs it)?
- n. 谁是这房子的房主? Who's the owner of this house?