| - adj. 微弱的, 无力的, 模糊的, 虚弱的, 衰弱的, 懦怯的, 软弱无力的, 暗淡的, 将昏倒似的, 闷人的, 昏晕的, 无精打采的, 虚落地, 软弱的 faint
- 微波衰减器 microwave attenuator
- 心力衰竭性肺充血 cardiac lung
- 心肌衰弱 amyocardia
- 心脏衰弱; 情绪低落 a sinking at the heart
- n. 怠惰, 疲倦, 无气力, 无精力, 衰弱, 意气消沉, 郁闷, 没精打彩, 漠不关心, 柔情, 停滞, 迟缓, 身心疲惫, 沉闷, 抑郁, 衰弱无力 languor
- n. 恶化, 降低, 退化, 变坏, 堕落, 颓废, 凋萎, 衰败, 消耗, 磨损 deterioration
- adj. 我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛. In the recession, our firm went through a bad time
- v. 我们的体力、 精力在老年时就衰退. in old age
- 我做我原先的那份工作要带劲得多. Aged is more formal than old and is used of very old people who have possibly become physically weak.*aged比old文些, 用以指年老的人, 可能身体亦衰弱. If one wishes to be polite and respectful, one can describe old people as elderly. 若想客气些、 尊敬些, 可用elderly来形容老人. Ancient and antique are usually only applied to things. *ancient和antique通常仅用於事物. We call ancient something that existed a long time ago *ancient用以形容经历了久远年代的事物 I was much happier in my old job.
- 截止衰减器 cut-off attenuator
- v. 把弦解下,使神经衰弱 unstring
- n. 拒绝, 被弃, 被抛弃的实例, 抵制, 抑制, 排斥, 抛弃, 退回, 废弃, 否定, 否决, 驳回, 阻碍, 干扰, 障碍, 衰减, 闭塞, 截止, 遭拒绝的东西, 呕出物, 排出物, 排异作用 rejection
- adj. 拜倒的, 降伏的, 伏地的, 全身俯卧的, 平卧的, 被征服的, 屈服的, 疲惫的, 衰弱的, 沮丧的, 衰竭的, 俯卧的 prostrate
- adj. 持久的, 经久不衰的, 持续的, 不变的, 不间断的, 被支持的, 持续不变的, 相同的 sustained
- adj. 指人)消瘦, 衰弱. grow unhealthily thin or weak (