| - 他已把全部房地产转交给全国名胜古迹托管协会. He has made over the whole property to the National Trust
- adv. 他已拒绝给予援助了吗? 决不可能! He has refused to help? Surely not
- adv. 他已算答应把那工作交给我了(但事实上尚未这样做). He virtually promised me the job, ie but did not actually do so
- v. 他常给他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶. He often embellishes the tales of his travels
- n. 他当会长後的第一次演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象. His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience
- n. 他很快就让她的魅力给迷住了. He soon fell victim to her charms
- adj. 他很自私, 不想把汽车借给我. He's too selfish to think of lending me his car
- 他得把护照交给当局. He had to give his passport up to the authorities
- v. 他忘了付给我钱. He forgot to pay me
- v. 他急忙给受伤的人披上条毯子. He threw a blanket over the injured man
- adv. 他总是大清早给我打电话. He's eternally telephoning me early in the morning
- v. 他想把工作推给别人. He tries to shuffle his work off onto others
- v. 他打开盒子, 露出里面的东西(给观众看). He opened the box, disclosing the contents (to the audience).
- v. 他把一枚硬币扔给乞丐. tossed a coin to the beggar
- v. 他把全部金钱都交给了妻子, 而没有考虑到妻子可能死得比他早. He left all his money to his wife without thinking that she might predecease him
- v. 他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业了. He gave away most of his money to charity