  • n.  人类与大自进行不懈的斗争.   Man is engaged in a constant struggle with Nature
  • adj.  人造的, 虚伪的, 武断的, 人工的, 人为的, 假的, 矫揉造作的, 不自的, 随意决定的, 做作的, 非原产地的   artificial
  •   仅管;虽然   for all
  •   今昔(皆然), 历代   in all ages
  • adv.  仍, 更, 静止地, 仍, 还, (尽管如此)仍, 依旧, 愈, 还要, 尽管如此, 依, 静止画面, 静态图片   still
  •   仍然,照样的   all the same
  • n.  仍抱著党性教条的陈词滥调不放的年迈的政治家.   elderly politicians still clinging to the outmoded shibboleths of party doctrine
  •   仍然,依旧   none the less
  • adj.  从突离开或去世的某人手中接过来的工作   if a person is killed he cannot cause difficulties by revealing sth that one does not wish to be known 死人不会泄密. ,dead men's `shoes job that one takes over from sb who has left unexpectedly or died
  • v.  从这些事实中可能推断出两种截相反的结论.   It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of facts
  • n.  从(某处)突地或意外地出现   appear suddenly or unexpectedly from (a place)
  • adj.  仓促的, 突然的   snap
  •   仔细研究通过职业测试所得出的职业清单。结果可能会很长,而你想得到的是一个更短的清单,由五到十项职业清单组成。圈出在多个清单上出现的职业,以及你以前考虑过的职业,还有能够吸引你的职业。后在另外一张清单上将这些工作列出来,并标记为"待研究的职业清单。"   Look over the lists of occupations generated through your use of the self assessment tools. They are probably rather lengthy. You want to come up with a much shorter list, consisting of between five and ten occupations. Circle occupations that appear on multiple lists. Circle occupations you may have considered previously and that you find appealing. Write these occupations down on a separate list titled "Occupations to Explore."
  • n.  他一惊, 猛坐了起来[猛惊醒过来].   woke up with a start
  • adj.  他仍不能用英语表达自己的意思.   He is still unable to express himself in English
  • adj.  他从一开始就显十分紧张.   His nervousness was obvious right from the start