| - 作标记前的烧除 premarking burn
- 作用中窗口的标题列 active Title Bar
- 作用中窗口的标题列文字 active Title Bar Text
- 作用中窗口的标题色彩 active window caption color
- n. 作记号的人, 记分员, 书签, 打分数的人, 记分器, 划线器, 指示器, 标靶兵, 指标, 标杆, 旗标, 纪念标, 纪念碑, 里程碑, 点名先生, 监猎人, 照明弹, 遗传标记, 基因标记, 得分, 筹码, 标识, 标志, 冰上割槽机, 标记, 标兵 marker
- n. 作邮递标记)乡村投递 rural delivery (
- v. 你一直都在看篮球锦标赛吗? Have you been following the basketball tournament?
- 你帮我, 我也帮你; 互相吹嘘[标榜]。 You roll my log and I'll roll yours.
- n. 你有些自我标榜. You've got too much to say for yourself, ie You think you are more interesting than you really are
- v. 你能替我弄到一些标本吗? procure me some specimens?
- n. 你要用镊子来夹这标本. You'll need tweezers to hold up the specimen
- vt. 使合乎标准, 使合规格(亦作standardise), 使符合标准, 使标准化 standardize
- v. 使常态化, 使合标准, 使合规格, 规格化 normalize
- vt. 使成为私人的, 使成个人所有物, 在上标出姓名, 使人格化, 赋于个性, 使个人化, 使私有化, (亦作personalise) personalize
- 使某人[某事物]达到(认可的水平或标准) sth to (an acceptable level or standard)
- n. 使某人社会地位、 行为标准等下降 bring sb to a lower social level, standard of behaviour, etc