| - 对某事采取保留[怀疑]态度, 不可尽信 take sth.with a grain[pinch]of salt
- n. 对某人怀有深仇大恨. feel full of rancour against sb
- adj. 对独生子女关怀备至. lavish care on an only child
- n. 对自己的男子气概有怀疑. have doubts about one's manhood
- v. 对(某事物)表示怀疑 express doubts about (sth)
- n. 对(某事物)表示或感到怀疑 express or feel doubt about (sth)
- adj. 寻问的, 打听的, 爱追根究底的, 好奇的, 怀疑的, 探询的, 好问的, 爱打听的, (亦作enquiring), 咨询的 inquiring
- 少女怀孕 adolescent pregnancy
- 就好像...似的(表示惊讶、怀疑等) As if...ever!
- 已怀孕三(六)个月。 3, 6 etc., months gone
- adv. 开怀大笑、 纵情歌唱、 大吃特吃. laugh, sing, eat, etc heartily
- v. 开罐, 否定式略写为can't, 能, 会, 可以, 能够, 允许, (规则)许可, (对某一可能性表示怀疑)可能, 请 can
- n. 式, 语气(以动词形式表现的三种语法特徵, 可表示确实、 可能、 怀疑、 必要、 愿望等语气) any of the three sets of verb forms that show whether what is said or written is considered certain, possible, doubtful, necessary, desirable, etc
- v. 引起人们的怀疑、 恐惧、 猜疑等 raise doubts, fears, suspicions, etc in people's minds
- 很有把握地, 满怀信心地 with (great) confidence
- v. 後来的事实表明他的怀疑有道理. Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions