| - 大型压水堆 large pressurized water reactor
- 大型空气压缩机 large air compressor
- 大型高频液压振动台 large-size high frequency hydraulic vibration table
- n. 大声喊叫以压倒某人的讲话声(使其讲不下去). shout sb down silence a speaker by shouting loudly so that he cannot be heard
- 大气压CVD系统 atmospheric pressure CVD system
- 大气压力单位 unit of pressure
- 大气压喷射冷凝器 barometric jet condenser
- 大气压对应投影透镜放大率校正系统 magnification correction system for atmospheric pressure
- 大气压横向激励二氧化碳雷射 TEA CO2 laser
- 大气压汽相磊晶生长系统 atmospheric pressure vapor phase epitaxial growth system
- 大气压法 atmosphere pressure method
- 大气压热氧化炉 atmospheric thermal oxidation furnace
- v. 大气球注入压缩空气後, 几秒钟就充足了气. With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds
- 大电流变压器 strong current transformer
- 天然气压缩机 natural gas compressor
- 天然气增压压缩机 natural gas boost compressor