| - adj. 对一般人(尤指都市人)的行为、 生存方式等十分了解的. knowledgeable about how ordinary people behave, survive, etc, esp in big cities
- n. 对人在某方面的知识或能力的)测验, 测试, 考查 examination of a person's knowledge or ability in a particular area (
- n. 对医学方面的拨款. the commitment of funds to medicine
- n. 对她行为的多方谴责. many condemnations of her action
- n. 对年轻女子慷慨的阔男子(通常为换取性方面的好处). rich man who is generous to a younger woman, usu in return for sexual favours
- n. 对应, 构图的均衡, (巴罗克时期雕塑上运用的一种)以对立方式保持躯体平衡的原则, 艺术品中一种人体的姿式 contrapposto
- n. 对心口击出的让对方叫痛的一拳. a painful punch in the solar plexus
- n. 对拟定的道路改善方案的论证 a demonstration of the projected road improvement scheme
- n. 对敌方基地进行突然的空袭. on enemy bases
- adj. 对敌方狂轰滥炸(如既毁军事据点, 又祸及平民). indiscriminate bombing of enemy targets, eg that might kill civilians as well as damage military sites
- n. 对敌方目标进行闪电式空袭 carry out a blitz on enemy targets
- n. 对方一射进第三个球, 我们就知道这场比赛算是输定了. When the third goal was scored against us, we knew the match was past redemption
- 对方付款电话 collect call
- adv. adj. 对方付费, 由受话人付款, 由收件人付款地 collect
- 对方场区 opponent's court
- 对方局 Opposite exchange