| - n. 托架, 括弧, 夹叉射击, 夹叉, 构成交叉, 进入等强信号区 bracketing
- vt. 扣押, 查封, 没收, 把...暂交第三者保管, 暂行保管, 隔离, 分离, 多价螯合 sequestrate
- 执行委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕 Executive Committee [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]
- 扩展表面式热交换器 extended-surface heat exchanger
- n. 扮政治家、 外交家等 play the politician, diplomat, etc
- n. 扳手, 扳头, 扳钳, 扳子, 交叉支撑, 横拉条, =spanworm, 活络扳手, 以指距测量的人, 测量机量扳手, 扳手 spanner
- n. 承认外交豁免权有效. as valid
- 把...交到某人手里; 把...托付给某人 put into sb.'s hands
- 把...交托某人照料或保护 leave to the care of sb.
- 把……交托给 commit
- v. 把…提交,谈及,谘询,参考 refer
- 把…逐出社交圈子;与…绝交 send sb. to Coventry
- v. 把一项工作交给助手 entrust the task to an assistant
- 把中指与食指交叉(迷信者认为可逢凶化吉); 求神保佑, 祈求成功 cross one's fingers
- 把中指交叉在食指上, 求神保佑 keep one's finger crossed
- 把中指交叉在食指上, 求神保佑 have one's finger crossed