n. 我们参观了一次对内的冬季时装预展. We attended a sneak preview of the winter fashion collection
adj. 我们只来得及装上几件必需品. We only had time to pack a few essentials
我们在供应最高级罐装鱼方面具有竞争性的价格和及时的交货期的优势 We are in a very good position to supply most grades of canned fish at competitive prices and for good delivery
n. 我们在办公室里装了一台新电传机. We've installed a new telex in the office
adj. 我们安装联机设备约有一年了. for about a year now
v. 我们很快看穿了他的伪装. We soon penetrated his disguise, ie saw who he really was
n. 我们得把楼梯重新装饰一下. (Flights of) steps are usually made of stone or concrete and found outside or in an uninhabited building. *(flights of) steps通常为石料或混凝土制成的, 建於户外或非住房型的建筑物中. We also talk of individual steps which make up a staircase or a flight of steps *steps还可用以指构成楼梯或一段台阶的梯级 We must redecorate the staircase.
v. 我们按门铃时, 她假装不在家. she was not at home when we rang the bell
我们搬到这儿的时候安装了集中供暖设备. We put new central heating in when we moved here
我们正在安装新的淋浴器. We're having a new shower put in
我们正在把阁楼改装成一间额外的卧室. We're making our attic into an extra bedroom
n. 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别宣传活动. We are doing a special promotion of our paperback list
我们正用现代化设备装修厨房. We're having the kitchen done up
v. 我们用了一些新零件重新装配了这台发动机. using some new parts
n. 我们的新冬装很快就到货. Our new stock of winter clothes will arrive soon