| - 完全及有限信息方法 Full and Limited Information Methods
- adj. 完全改变以前的生活方式 change one's previous manner of living entirely
- adj. 宗教的外在形式(宗教行为和仪式, 区别於内在的和精神的方面). the externals of religion, ie acts and ceremonies (contrasted with inner and spiritual aspects)
- adj. 官方公告、 声明、 决定等 an official announcement, statement, decision, etc
- n. 官方公报(尤指对新闻界发布的) official announcement, esp to the press
- adj. 官方发表的公主传记 the official biography of the princess
- 官方地图 official map
- 官方地图制图 official cartography
- v. 官方宣称(某事物)有缺陷或不宜使用 is faulty or not fit for use
- n. 官方对五月份要进行选举一事加以否认. an official denial that there would be an election in May
- v. 官方对工资、 物价等的)冻结 official fixing of wages, prices, etc for a period of time (
- n. 官方尚未就总统的健康状况发表公告. There has been no official pronouncement yet on the state of the president's health
- adj. 官方的, 正式的, 官员的, 公务上的, 法定的, 官气十足的, 讲究形式的, 依据药典配制的, 收入药典的, 职务上的, 公务的 official
- adj. 官方的指示, 命令等. authoritative instructions, orders, etc
- n. 官方的)机关, 机构 organization that serves a special purpose; means of getting work done (
- n. 官方的)调查结果 inquiry (