| - 壁外性压迫 extrinsic compression of wall
- n. 壁球, 摺皱不堪, 拥挤嘈杂的人群, 南瓜, 挤压, 压碎声, 拥挤的人群, 果汁饮料, 易压烂的物品 squash
- 声压计 sound pressure meter
- 声表面波压控振荡器 sound surface wave pressure control oscillator
- 声速温压仪 sound-velocity-temperature-pressure instrument
- 声频压缩扩展器 audio compressor-expander
- 壳式变压器 form-fit transformer
- 壳式变压器 shell transformer
- adj. 处於这种可怕的压力之下, 不疯才怪呢. It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure
- 备用压缩机 stand-by compressor
- 复压涡轮机 pressure compounded turbine
- 复合压力-速度级涡轮机 combination pressure and velocity stage turbine
- 复合式增压柴油机 compound supercharged diesel engine
- 复合振动压路机 combined vibrating roller
- 复土压力 Overbarden pressure
- 复式冲压 multiple pressing