| - vt. 悬于...之上, 突出于...之上, 用悬挂物装饰, 逼近, 威胁 overhang
- vt. 悬挂,附着,装饰,绞死,踌躇,使悬而未决,垂下 hang
- 悬挂制壳装置 trolley shell making unit
- 悬挂式装载车 mounted load carrier
- 悬臂装料机 jib loader
- 惯性卷筒(安全带伸缩装置, 突然受力时可自动 紧以保护使用者). type of reel round which one end of a safety-belt is wound so that the belt will tighten automatically over the wearer if it is pulled suddenly
- 惯用包装 customary tare
- 惰性气体灭火装置 inert gas extinguishing installation
- 惰性气体装置 inert gas installation
- 感测装置 sensing device
- 感温火灾探测装置 heat-actuated device
- 成型装药 Shaped-charge
- 成套包装材料 Package Material Set
- 成套设备和技术装置 Complete Sets & Equipments
- 成套针织服装 knitted suits
- n. 我今天必须集中精力搞装饰. I must concentrate my energies on decorating today