| - v. 消除紧张的方法在於学会放松. The cure for stress lies in learning to relax
- n. 消除误会、 解决问题、 排除困难. iron out misunderstandings, problems, difficulties, etc
- 消除过程 removal process
- 消除锯齿填色 anti-alias Fill
- 消除障碍, 取消限制 let down the bars
- n. 消除(尤指鼻中)充血的药物. substance that relieves congestion, esp in the nose
- v. 消除(某人)的疑虑、 怒气、 敌意等 less suspicious, angry, hostile, etc
- 消除;收拾 clear away
- n. 消隐, 熄灭, , 抑制, 消除, 空白, 间隔, 断路, 断流, 遮蔽, 遮没, 照明, 闭塞, 织针退出编织, 下料, 落料, 冲切, 冲裁, 冲压 blanking
- 消隐管 blanking tube
- 消隐脉冲 Black-Out Pulse
- 消隐脉冲振荡器 blanking oscillator
- 消隐脉冲电平限制器 pedestal level clipper
- 消隙弹簧 backlash spring
- 消隙弹簧 anti-backlash spring
- 消雹降雨火箭 anti-hail rocket