| - 出汗率 sweat rate
- adj. 出汗的, 排汗的 perspiratory
- 出汽孔 vapor opening
- 出油管支撑浮筒 flowline support buoy
- 出油阀弹簧 oil outlet valve spring
- 出洋相, 大大出丑 make a spectacle of oneself
- n. 出海一周後, 又重新回到陆地上而感到愉快. After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth under our feet again
- n. 出清存货, 清仓拍卖 closeout
- 出渣口冷却箱 slag notch cooler
- 出渣口冷却箱 cinder cooler
- 出渣孔 sludge hole
- 出港许可证 certificate of clearance
- 出港许可证 clearance paper
- 出港许可证 clearance permit
- 出港证 clearance papers
- 出港通知书 clearance notice