| - 无领高襟式睡衣裤 collarless high button style pajamas
- 日光灯高频电子镇流器 high frequency electronic fluorescent lamp ballast
- n. 日晷指针, 晷针, 指时针, 磬折形, 太阳高度指示器, 日晷, 日规 gnomon
- adj. 日本戏剧中高度程式化的表演. the highly stylized form of acting in Japanese theatre
- n. 旧时苏格兰高地人用的)双刃大刀. large two-edged sword, formerly used by Scottish Highlanders (
- n. 旧时)中国政府的高级官吏. high-ranking government official in China (
- n. 旧时)公学中为高年级男生服务的低年级男生. junior boy at a public school performing certain duties for a senior boy (
- n. 旧时)(与地位高的人相见时)将一只手举至额头(通常指致敬). raise a hand to one's forehead when meeting sb of higher social rank, usu as a sign of respect (
- n. 旧时)(伺候富豪或贵族的)高等娼妓. prostitute with wealthy or aristocratic clients (
- n. 早晨八九点钟是交通的高峰时刻. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning
- adj. 早熟性的, 早熟的, 孤生的, 生下就有很高程度独立活动能力的 precocial
- adj. 时髦的,豪华高贵的,奢侈的 tony
- adv. 昂贵地, 高价地 expensively
- adv. 昂贵地,价高地 dear
- adj. 昂贵的, 奢华的, 代价[价值]高的, 浪费的, 价值高的, 贵重的, 代价高的 costly
- adj. 昂贵的, 过分昂贵的, 昂贵的, 高价的, 价格高的, 昂贵的(亦作pricy), -ier, -iest价格高的 pricey