| - adj. 出於自私动机的拒绝. a selfish refusal
- 出来; 涌现; 被公布; 出世 come forth
- 出来反对; 反抗 come out against
- n. 出梅花牌. =>illus at playing-card 见playing card之插图. play a club
- n. 出殡时)护柩者, 抬棺者. one of a group of people who walk beside or carry the coffin at a funeral (
- 出气阀 gas outlet valve
- 出水压力计 discharge gage
- 出水口帽盖 nozzle cap
- 出水口接口 outlet coupling
- 出水口阀门 outlet valve
- 出水水带 working line
- 出水管下盖片 lower water outlet pipe gasket
- 出水通气根 pneumatophore
- n. 出汗, 发汗, 渗出 sudation
- v. 出汗, 流汗, 分泌, 渗出 perspire
- vt. 出汗,排汗 perspire