  • v.  性的对方(尤指女方)   partner in sexual intercourse (esp a woman)
  • n.  性感不快, 性交困难   dyspareunia
  • adj.  性格外向的, 外向性的, 喜社的   extroverted
  • adj.  性病的, 性的, 因性而传染的, 性引起的   venereal
  •   总局交换机   Central-office Exchange
  •   总成交额   total contract value
  • v.  总统生病时, 其职务由副总统代理.   When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President
  •   恒频交流电   constant frequency AC
  •   息差交易   Carry trade
  •   恰恰舞(一种小步摆臀的际舞)   ballroom dance performed with small steps and swaying hip movements
  • adj.  恶性通货膨胀(因流通货币增加导致工资与物价互上涨的现象)   the inflationary spiral, ie economic situation in which prices and wages rise in turn as the supply of money is increased
  • n.  患难之交(是真交).   a friend who helps one when one needs help (is a true friend)
  •   患难朋友[之交]   companion in adversity
  • n.  悲喜剧, 又悲又喜的事情, 悲喜集的故事, 悲喜事件, 又悲又喜的事情   tragicomedy
  •   惯性销售(将货物送至未订购者处, 希不遭退货而成, 事後清帐).   sending of goods to a person who has not ordered them, in the hope that he will not refuse them and will therefore later have to pay for them
  •   感应式交流发电机   induction type alternator