| - 无人驾驶高空侦察机 pilotless high-altitude reconnaissance plane
- 无固定音高 Indefinite Pitch
- 无支高度 unsupported height
- adj. 无比的, 无敌的, 至高无上的 unrivaled
- adj. 无比的慷慨、 大力的支持、 高度的赞扬 unstinting generosity,support, praise
- 无氧高导电性铜 o.f.h.c copper
- 无氧高导电性铜 oxygen free high conductivity copper
- 无液测高计 aneroid-altimeter
- 无磁耐腐蚀高弹性合金 non-magnetic corrosion-resistant high-elastic alloy
- 无线电高度计 radio altimeter
- n. 无线电高空测候器, 无线电探空仪, 无线电测风仪 radiosonde
- 无线电高空测候技术 radiosounding system
- 无线电高空测风仪 rawinsonde
- 无芯高频感应炉 coreless high-frequency induction furnace
- v. 无让步条件比赛的参加者、 高尔夫球员等. a scratch player, golfer, etc
- adj. 无论价钱多麽高都值得 common as dirt => dirt. cheap at the price so well worth having that the price, however high it is, does not seem too much