| - 石脑油磺酸钠 sodium naphthasulphonate
- n. 石膏, 硫酸钙, 灰泥板, 石膏, 石膏肥料 gypsum
- n. 石蕊试纸可用以测试溶液是否含酸. Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution
- n. 石蕊(蓝色物质, 遇酸变红, 再遇硷则还原变蓝). blue colouring-matter that is turned red by acid and can be turned blue again by alkali
- 石蜡酸 paraffin acid
- 矽石及矽酸盐 silica and silicates
- 矽酸三钙 alite
- 矽酸二钙 dicalcium silicate
- 矽酸二钙 belite
- 矽酸盐水泥 silicate cement
- 矽酸盐玻璃 silicate glasses
- 矽酸盐矿物 Silicate mineral
- 矽酸钙焊剂 Calcium silicate fluxes
- 矽酸钙类 calcium silicates
- 矽酸镁石 Forsterite (Mg2SiO4)
- 矽酸黏合剂 silicate bond