| - n. 录音设备或计算机中放磁带或磁盘的装置. device for holding and playing magnetic tape, discs, etc in sound-recording equipment or a computer
- vt. 形成珍珠状, 使形成珍珠, 用珍珠装饰 impearl
- n. 彩包爆竹(一种宴会时的娱乐用品, 为一硬的纸筒, 内装小件礼品、 纸帽等, 用纸包裹好, 两端一拉即噼啪作响) party toy consisting of a cardboard tube wrapped in paper that makes a sharp explosive sound as its ends are pulled apart, with a small gift, paper hat, etc inside
- 彩印复合包装袋 color-printing laminated package bag
- 彩色取样装置 color sampling device
- 彩衣, 荣誉的服装 Joseph's coat
- vt. 影响, 对...起作用, 使...感光, 改变, 损害, 感动, 患, 中, (使)感动, 使感染, 装作, 假装, 侵袭 affect
- vt. 征, 把....强加给, 强派, 硬塞, 以....欺骗, 装版, 拼版, 把按于其上以行任命圣职礼, 征税, 强加, 以...欺骗 impose
- vt. 征募, 吸收, 充实, 补充, 使恢复, 把食品装入 recruit
- 待装云提单 RECEIVED B/L received for shipment bill of lading
- 循环式污水处理装置 recirculating sewage treatment plant
- 循环控制装置周期计 cycler
- n. 微分电路, 微分器, 微分算子, 差示装置器, 区分者 differentiator
- 微机化增强型体外反搏装置 microcomputerized and enhanced external counter pulsation device
- 微机控制罐头杀菌装置 computerized controller for tinned food sterilizing equipment
- 微波中继装置 microwave relay unit