| - n. 出征路途, 敌对行动, (北美印第安人的)征途, 征程 warpath
- n. 出战前涂於身上的颜料(如北美印第安战士用的). paint put on the body before battle, eg by N American Indian warriors
- n. 出拳很重的拳击手. a boxer with a strong punch
- v. 出拳距离远的拳击手. a boxer with a long reach
- vi. 出新芽,采购 stock
- n. 出於同情或怜悯而帮助某人. Did you insure the jewels before they were stolen?' `No, more's the pity!' `你那些被窃的珠宝买保险了吗?'`没有, 真倒霉!' take pity on sb help sb because one feels pity for him
- prep. 出於怜悯、 好意、 慷慨等帮助某人 help sb out of pity, kindness, generosity, etc
- n. 出於怜悯为某人做某事 do sth out of pity for sb, ie because one feels pity for him
- prep. 出於恶作剧、 怨恨、 恶意等而做某事 do sth out of mischief, spite, malice, etc
- n. 出於惟本人才知道的原因 for reasons that are hard for others to understand or discover
- n. 出於慷慨助人而做某事物 do sth out of charity
- adj. 出於或表现强烈性爱的 caused by or showing intense sexual love
- adj. 出於或表现强烈感情的 caused by or showing strong feelings
- 出於政治动机的谋杀 a politically motivated murder
- n. 出於爱好(不计报酬) for the `love of sth without payment or other reward
- n. 出於自愿做某事物. you pays your money and you takes your choice => pay2. do sth out of choice