| - adj. 引人注目的服装、 帽子等. an eye-catching suit, hat, etc
- 引导框架装载机 lead frame loader
- 引导装配程序, 输入引导子程序 bootstrap loader
- 引水装置 priming device
- 引燃或点火装置 flame igniter
- 引锭杆翻转装置 dummy bar tilter
- 弗吉尼亚爬山虎, 苫壁藤, 五叶爬山虎(常蔓生於墙上作为装饰, 叶大, 於秋天变成猩红色). ornamental vine often grown on walls, with large leaves which turn scarlet in the autumn
- v. 张扪孔口,钻孔装埋,打埋头孔 countersink
- 张紧装置调整螺母 tensioning device adjusting nut
- 弹力尼龙钩织满月装 nylon stretch croucheted baby set
- 弹力贴身服装 stretch-to-fit garment
- n. 弹动, 弹跳, 弹回, 弹性装置, 起拱点, 弹性挠曲变形, 扩孔底 springing
- 弹夹装填 Clip Loading
- 弹簧启动装置 spring actuated device
- 弹簧复位启动装置 spring-return actuator
- n. 强作笑脸[强装欢笑]. laugh, ie not the natural result of amusement