  • n.  放恶臭之人, 臭鬼, 任何放恶臭的人或动物, 卑鄙的人, 讨厌的人, 大海燕, 臭角菌, 恶臭弹, 极度困难的事物, 身上有恶臭味的人, 发出恶臭的物, 卑鄙的人, 到唾弃的人, 难事, 发恶臭之人   stinker
  • v.  政客常到电视与无线电广播的讥讽.   Politicians are often satirized on TV and radio
  •   政治犯(因反对政府或其政治制度而关押者).   government
  • prep.  救一男孩使之免溺毙   save a boy from drowning
  • adj.  整个小镇已地震摧毁.   The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake
  • n.  新的税务计画到了猛烈抨击.   The plans for the new tax have come in for a lot of flak, ie have been very strongly criticized
  • n.  新老板来了以後, 不称职的人就殃了.   The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient
  • v.  新颁布的法令将使失业者受什麽样的打击?   How will the new law hit the unemployed?
  • n.  无太平门的建筑物, 易失火的建筑物, 易火灾的建筑物, 发生火灾时难逃离的建筑物   firetrap
  •   是...的嘲笑对象; 到...的鄙视   be a scorn to (=be the scorn of)
  •   有...的倾向;易;易患;受制于;根据...   subject to
  •   有…的倾向;易;易患;受制于;根据…   subject to
  • v.  有个老头向儿童裸露性器官而逮捕.   An old man was arrested for exposing himself to young children
  • n.  有许多宠物因喂食过量而殃.   Many pets are victims of overfeeding
  • n.  有遭火灾的危险吗?   Is there any danger of fire?
  •   服从, 以...为条件, 受...的支配; 须经, 必须得到;易[受,发生]   (be) subject to