拥Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 拥挤、 阻塞的状态(尤指交通) tangled or jammed state, esp of traffic
- adj. 拥挤不堪的公共汽车、 火车等. overcrowded `buses, `trains, etc
- n. 拥挤不堪的商店是扒手行窃最得手的地方. Crowded shops are a happy hunting-ground for pick-pockets
- 拥挤充斥 congestion
- 拥挤得象罐头里沙丁鱼, 挤得满满的 packed like sardines
- adj. 拥挤的, 交通堵塞的, 充血的 congested
- adj. 拥挤的, 挤满的, 塞满的, 经历丰富的, 多事的, 郁闭的, 靠紧的, 密集的, 挤满人的, 充满的, 排得满满的 crowded
- adj. 拥挤的,忙的 throng
- adj. 拥挤的公共汽车、 繁忙的道路、 住满人的旅馆. crowded buses, roads, hotels
- 拥挤的港口 crowded port
- 拥挤附加费 Congestion Surcharge R
- 拥挤附加费 congestion surcharge
- 拥政爱民公约 pledge of supporting government and cherishing people
- 拥有, 占有, 具有, 享有 be possessed of
- vt. 拥有, 承认, 同意, 服从, 自认 own
- 拥有200英镑的公债券 in the stocks