宽Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 在文明时代, 这麽残忍是不能宽恕的. In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable
- adj. 在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖. a leader who was magnanimous in victory, ie when he won
- n. 地, 田地, 原野, 牧场, 场地, 运动场, 体育馆, 产地, 田, 战场, 战斗, 界, 范围, 领域, 视界, 视域, 一片, 茫茫一片, 底, 画面, 镜头, 活动场, 舞台, 参加比赛的全体运动员, 上场的全体球员, 影响人们行为的各种因素的综合, 环境, 梁宽, 场, 电磁场, 域, 信息组, 字段, 半帧, 安匝, 励磁, 绕组, 底色, 底子, 集合, 体, 外科手术部位⑵⑽排水瓦管, 活动场地, 矿物产地, 现场, (热门马以外的)全部赛马, 原野, 旷野, 战场 field
- n. 埃奇韦尔路. An alley or lane is a narrow street between buildings. *alley和lane均指小街或小巷. An avenueis usually a wide street of houses, often in the suburbs and lined with trees. *avenue通常指两旁有房子的宽阔街道, 常指郊区的林荫道. (In US cities avenues often run at right angles to streets. 在美国城市中, avenue与street的走向常有纵横之分.) Roads (US highways) connect towns and villages *road(美国用highway)指连接城乡的公路 Edgware Road
- n. 城堡等周围宽阔的)防御土墙. defensive wall round a fort, etc consisting of a wide bank of earth with a path for walking along the top (
- v. 基督倡导宽恕(应宽恕敌人等). Christ taught forgiveness, ie that we should forgive our enemies, etc
- 增益带宽 Gain Bandwidth
- n. 墨西哥帽, 墨西哥阔边帽, 伞帽, 阔边帽, 宽边帽 sombrero
- adj. 壮丽的, 宏伟的, 堂皇的, 庄严的, 华丽的, 豪华的, 健壮的, 优美的, 高尚的, 高贵的, 极好的, 伟大的, 宽宏的, 极好的 magnificent
- n. 夏威夷妇女的一种花样华丽而宽适的长装, 穆穆袍 muumuu
- 外宽内严, 外柔内刚 an iron fist in a velvet glove
- 外宽内严; 外柔内刚 iron hand in the velvet glove
- 外宽内严; 外柔内刚 iron fist in the velvet glove
- 多带宽接入 multi-bandwidth digital access
- 多探测器展宽器全身放射性污染计数器 multi-detector stretcher whole-body counter
- 多普勒谱线致宽 Doppler line broadening