| - 一个多产作家。 a prolific writer
- 一个小康之家。 a well-to-do family
- n. 一个退休政治家的回忆录. the memoirs of a retired politician
- n. 一件家具、 珠宝、 行李、 瓷器. a piece of furniture, jewellery, luggage, porcelain
- n. 一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具. an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture
- n. 一夫多妻制国家中的)妾, 姨太太, 小老婆 woman who lives with a man but is of lower status than a wife (
- n. 一套饭厅用的家具(一张桌子, 几把椅子, 常包括餐具柜). a dining-room suite, ie a table, chairs, and often a sideboard
- 一家分行"的规定 one building" condition
- 一家团聚, 享天伦之乐 in the bosom of one's family
- n. 一家大规模的跨国电子公司. a huge multinational electronics operation
- n. 一岁家畜, 一岁仔, 一岁的孩子, 一年生植物, 一岁的赛马, 二年级学员, 幼畜, 一两岁的幼畜 yearling
- n. 一旦战争爆发, 许多国家都要受到波及. If a war breaks out, many other countries will be affected
- n. 一机构的雇员、 家庭成员等 What made you come and work in this establishment? 你到这个机构来工作的原因是什麽? 3 [sing] group of people employed in an organization, a household, etc
- n. 一民族、 国家或时期的)文化和生活方式 culture and way of life of a people, nation or period regarded as a stage in the development of organized society (
- n. 一盒冰激凌、 农家乳酪、 人造黄油等. a tub of ice-cream, cottage cheese, margarine, etc
- n. 一社区、 国家等, 其中种族、 宗教, 语言等异於他人的)小团体, 少数 small group in a community, nation, etc, differing from others in race, religion, language, etc (