  • n.  大叫, 呐喊, 喘息声, 高声呼叫, 猫头鹰似的叫声, 小块, 一点点, 极微小的价值, 大肆扬, 呼喊, 高呼, 哮喘声   whoop
  • n.  大声告或鼓吹(某事物)   loudly andforcibly
  • n.  大肆传, 哗众取宠、大吹大擂的广告, 喧闹, 吵吵嚷嚷, 传, 大吹大擂, 喧噪   ballyhoo
  • n.  大肆传, 新书推荐广告或短评, 大肆吹捧的广告, (书的)内容简介, 夸大的广告或介绍词   blurb
  • v.  大肆宣传,大吹大擂   ballyhoo
  • v.  大肆宣传,炒作   hype
  • adj.  大肆传的,哗众取宠的   ballyhooed
  • n.  大肆扬即将来临而结果未发生之事, 并未发生的事   nonevent
  • n.  天花乱坠的宣传报道   misleading and exaggerated publicity
  • n.  天花乱坠的广告传, 皮下注射, 骗局, 大肆传, 大做广告, 瘾君子   hype
  • adj.  女王宣布议会开会.   The Queen opens Parliament
  • adj.  她宣布庆祝会开始.   She declared the festival open
  • n.  她对自己的意图秘而不.   She's keeping her intentions to herself, ie not telling anyone what she plans to do
  • n.  她的新剧作获得广泛传.   Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity
  • n.  她的新影片最近在电视上做了大量传.   Her new filmhas had a lot of exposure on television recently
  • v.  她的最新小说尽管广为传, 结果还是彻底失败.   Despite all the publicity, her latest novel was a complete flop