  • n.  大卡, 卡(食物含能量的热值单位)   unit for measuring the energy value of food
  • n.  大富豪, 万富翁, 亿万富翁   multimillionaire
  • adj.  大量的花朵、 数不清的鲜花、 再三的道歉、 深深的感激、 谢万谢   profuse blossoms, flowers, apologies, gratitude, thanks
  •   头螺丝千斤顶   head jack
  • n.  夸张(修辞手段, 如我请来赴宴的人成上万).   exaggeratedstatement that is made for special effect and is not meant to be taken literally, eg I've invited millions of people to my party
  • n.  她方百计要当党的领导.   She was making a big play for the leadership of the party
  •   她已存了几镑以备退休之用.   She's got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement
  • n.  她用2英镑从汽车行买的这辆汽车.   She paid a dealer 2000 for that car
  • v.  她的表演给百万人带来娱乐享受.   millions (of people).
  •   好事不出门,恶事传里   Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
  • n.  孩子们把(一根)绳子系在树上当作秋玩.   rope to the tree and used it as a swing
  • n.  射频, 无线电频率(无线电传递和电视发送所用电磁波的频率, 其范围从每秒10周到3000000兆周之间).   frequency of electromagnetic waves used in radio and TV transmission, between 10kilocycles per second and 3000000 megacycles per second
  •   小车用液压千斤顶   hydraulic car jack
  •   就象...一样肯定无疑, 真万确   as surely as (=as sure as)
  •   差之毫釐失之千里   A miss is as good as a mile
  • n.  差异, 多样性, 不同, 相异, 相差, 多样, 参差, 变化, 发散, 疏散分集, 合成法, 变万化   diversity