| - adj. 金边证券[股份/股票](可靠、 安全、 确保获利的). stock, ie investments that are considered safe and sure to produce interest
- n. 金银, 金银块, 纯金, 金条, 纯金, 条形金属, 整块金属, [有色)粗金属锭, 金银锭④金丝缨穗, 金丝花边⑤煤层结核⑥厚薄不均的平板玻璃bullionismn.bullionistn.bullionlessa., 金(银)块, 金(银)条, 银条, 金块 bullion
- 金银线花边 metal lace
- 金银线花边 gold and silver lace
- 金银线花边 bouillon
- n. 针尖, 针绣花边 needlepoint
- 针座式花边织机 comb lead lace machine
- 针织花边 knitted lace
- 针绣扁平花纹花边 point plat
- 针绣挖花花边 reticella
- n. 钥匙挂在门边的一根绳子上. The key is hanging on a string by the door
- 钩编花边 crochet lace
- 钩编花边 crochet
- n. 钱币等背面花样和边缘之间, 该处之刻记, 钱币等反面底线下刻记年月日或铸造局名的地方 exergue
- n. 铰刀, 扩孔, 清除毛边 reaming
- 铲边碎屑凿平 chipping