| - 激光标记机 laser marking machine
- 灭火各阶段最多允许时间标准 elapsed time standard
- n. 灯号, 标灯, 油盏, 号灯, 篝灯 cresset
- 灯标监视器和报警系统 buoy monitor and alarm system
- 灰度标 gray scale
- 灰色标度器案识别 gray scale pattern recognition
- adj. 炸弹、 炮弹等接近目标, 但未命中. bomb, shot, etc that lands near the target but not quite on it
- vt. 点数,计算,记录,加标签于,使符合 tally
- 点标记钮 H-point sight button H
- 烘茧标准 norm of cocoon drying
- n. 烙有物主标记的牛. Cf 参看 trade mark (trade1). cattle branded with a distinctive mark, ie of ownership
- 烙标机 branding machine
- n. 烟火, 灯塔, 烽火, 信号, 指向标, 无线电信号, , 浮标, 指路标, 信号灯, 行人指示灯 beacon
- 烟雾目标 smoke target
- n. 烧瓶侧面有刻度标志. The graduations are marked on the side of the flask
- n. 烫印的标题, 标题的烫印 titling