| - n. 政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税. In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties
- n. 政府强行提高税收. Higher taxes were forced on the people
- n. 故事或事件的)高潮. climax of a story or of a series of events (
- 故意提高开价, 以便藉口削价出售而实际赚大钱的噱头 price packing
- n. 效力过高, 超效力的性质 superpotency
- 效率高成本低的 cost-effective
- adj. 效率高的, 有能力的, 有效率的, 最经济的, 能胜任的, 高效率的, 产生结果的, 有效的, 生效的, 能干的 efficient
- adj. 敏感的, 仪器灵敏的, 易受伤害的, 感光的, 有感觉的, 敏感的, 容易生气的, 神经质的, 过敏的, 易感光的, 易受影响的, 极机密的, 极微妙的, 感觉的, 感官的, 易受感动的, 仁慈的, 能记录微小变化的, (常与to连用)敏感的, 易感受的, (常与to连用)高精密度的(仪器), 感觉敏锐的, 判断力强的, 感情脆弱的, 灵敏的 sensitive
- adj. 敏锐的, 激烈的, 尖锐的, 尖的, 锐的, 敏感的, 精明的, 深刻的, 明显的, 剧烈的, 厉害的, 急性的, 高音的, 刺耳的, 短暂的, 短期的, 严重的, 标有尖音符, 急尖的, 锐角的, 灵敏的, 急性的(疾病), 成锐角的, 带有撇形(')重音符号的, 急性的, 剧烈 acute
- n. 教主, 高僧, 掌权者, 大主教, 祭司长, 统治集团首领, 高位有权威的人 hierarch
- n. 教书的工作报酬不太高. Teaching is not very rewarding financially, ie not very well paid
- n. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作. Teaching is a demanding profession
- v. 教师希望给小学生读宗教故事来提高他们的修养. The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories
- v. 教师的嗓音很高, 孩子们都不禁咯咯地笑起来. The children couldn't stop giggling at the teacher's high-pitched voice
- 数字式测高仪 digital height gauge
- 数字式高温旋转粘度计 digital high-temperature rotary viscosimeter