| - 废水蒸发装置 waste evaporator plant
- 废渣装运机 muck shifter
- 废物固化工程原型装置 waste solidification engineering prototype
- 废物处理装置的改建 waste handling modification
- 废物煅烧装置 waste calcination facility
- 度量装备 Measuring equipment
- n. 座位, 座垫, 底板, 基, 支架, 插座, 装置, 设备, 骑姿, 骑法, 座位量, 装填距离, 供给座位, 设置座位, 安排座位, 就座, 座位数, 座套 seating
- 座椅固定装置 Anchorage
- 座椅安全带固定装置的固定位置 attaching location of seat belt anchorage
- 康乃克斯集装箱 Conex Container
- n. 廉价的小装饰品、 首饰等. small ornament, piece of jewellery, etc of little value
- n. 廉价的)小玩具、 小装饰品等 small toy, ornament, etc of low value (
- n. 廉价而无用的装饰. cheap useless ornament
- 延时装置 delayed device
- 延时装置 time delay device
- 延迟失真测量装置 delay distortion measuring equipment