  • n.  我记一下我游一个来回的时间.   Time how long it takes me to do two lengths of the pool
  •   或交(钱、 资料等)   give or hand over (money, information, etc)
  • v.  给戴帽,覆盖于…顶端   cap
  • v.  房子作隔热处理以节省燃料.   save fuel by insulating one's house
  • n.  房子保综合险(火险、 盗窃险等)   insure a house for all risks, ie fire, theft, etc
  • adj.  给房子的外墙刷油漆   paint the exterior walls of a house
  • n.  房屋等)粉刷和糊壁纸的人   person whose job is painting and wallpapering rooms, houses, etc (
  • vt.  给报酬,奖赏   guerdon
  • vt.  给换底, 给换鞋底   resole
  • n.  给搬运工50便士小费.   tip the porter 50p
  • adj.  政府抹黑的可笑企图.   a laughable attempt to discredit the Government
  • v.  给故事等)添枝加叶   to make it more interesting (
  •   给料取样机   feed sampler
  •   给料截止阀   feed stop valve
  •   给料杠齿轮   gear for feed rod
  •   给料物质   feed material