| - 在...重压下, 迫于... under the weight of
- n. 在压力下[受到压力] suffer from stress
- v. 在压力下弯曲或伸长 Why don't you go for a walk? It'll give you an appetite for your lunch. 你怎麽不出去散散步? 散散步午饭时就有食欲了. 20 [I] bend or stretch under pressure
- 在声压表的A声级上读到的分贝数 dBA
- 在声压表的C声级上读到的分贝数 dBC
- n. 在大热门上投注5英镑压它赢前三名 have £5 each way on the favourite
- n. 在很大压力下工作. work at high pressure
- n. 在有压力时表现出[运用]很强的自制力 exercise great self-control in moments of stress
- v. 在未凝固的水泥上压手印. imprint one's hand in soft cement
- 在社会舆论压力面前让步、屈服 bow to [before] the storm
- 在纽马基特马场3时45分那场赛事中, 我在名叫`黑寡妇'的马上压了10英镑. I've put £10 on `Black Widow' in the 3.45 at Newmarket
- v. 在苛税重压下的贫民. under the weight of heavy taxes
- v. 在蜡板上压印出的图样. in wax
- v. 在轮盘赌上压赌注的赌徒 gamblers laying their stakes in roulette
- n. 在那个大热门(如赛马中的某匹马)上压5英镑 stake 5 on the favourite, eg in a horse-race
- 地压强 geostatic pressure