| - adj. 指人)有色人种的(非白皮肤种族的). of a race that does not have a white skin (
- adj. 指人)(因情绪变化或生病)脸色苍白的 pale as a result of emotion or illness (
- adj. 指光线、 色彩等)柔和的, 不耀眼的 not bright or glaring (
- adj. 指光线或颜色)鲜明的, 鲜艳的, 强烈的 strong and bright; intense (
- 指冰激凌)多味的(各层颜色、 味道不同的). in layers of different colours and flavours (
- n. 指嗓音)突然而失控地改变音色、 音量等 change in depth, loudness, etc suddenly and uncontrollably (
- adj. 指戏剧角色)无台词的小角色的. very small and without any words to say (
- adj. 指摄影胶片)全色胶片 sensitive to all colours and able to reproduce them accurately (
- v. 指某人的眼睛)闪现某种神色 sparkle and indicate a particular emotion (
- adj. 指毛发或动物皮毛)红褐色的, 黄褐色的, 茶色的 of a reddish-brown colour; ginger or tawny (
- n. 指毛发等)沙色的. yellowish-red (
- adj. 指毛发)橘红色的. having an orange-red colour (
- adj. 指毛发)淡黄色的 pale yellow (
- adj. 指毛发)花白的, 灰褐色的. white and brown together (
- adj. 指液体或颜色)泥土色的, 泥土般的, 混浊的, 稠如泥浆的 coloured by or like mud; not clear; thick like mud (
- adj. 指演员等)瞬变的(迅速换装或改变相貌而演另一角色) quickly changing his costume or appearance to play another part (