  • n.  幼儿洗澡後再她扑爽身粉   powder a baby after her bath, ie with talcum powder
  • n.  患者戴上人工呼吸器.   put the patient on a respirator
  • n.  成本[批发]价格加一百分比(以计算销售[零售]价格)   retail price
  •   给我.   Give it to me
  • n.  我一份打印出的统计资料.   Get me a printout of the statistics
  • v.  我些时间整理一下笔记.   Give me a moment to gather my notes together
  •   给我们唱支歌好吗?   Could you oblige us with a song (ie perform a song for us)?
  •   我们的供应品中断了.   Supplies have stopped reaching us
  • n.  给我写个`7'字.   Write the figure `7' for me
  • n.  给我切一小片乾酪吧.   Cut me just a small sliver of cheese
  • n.  给我切一片面包.   a piece of bread for me
  • n.  我安排整个周末都要值班!   I've been rostered to work all weekend
  • n.  我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮.   I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out
  • n.  我放放她最新录制的唱片行吗?   her latest record?
  • v.  我点喝的--我渴死了.   Give me a drink I'm parched
  • v.  我登记购买三张星期六的演出票.   Put me down for three tickets for Saturday's performance