  •   出售无形资产损失   Loss on sales of intangible assets
  •   出售无形资产收益   Income on sales of intangible assets
  • n.  售枪枝受到许多法律限制.   The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions
  • v.  售水果、 服装、 电器的商店   a shop that sells fruit, clothes, electrical goods
  • n.  售汽车、 房子等. play the `market (infml 口) buy and sell stocks and shares to make a profit 买卖证券和股票牟利. price oneself/sth out of the market => price v.   put a car, house, etc on the market
  •   售没收物品所得收入   proceeds of forfeit
  • n.  出售法式糕点的商店.   shop selling French pastries and cakes
  • n.  售牛奶、 黄油、 鸡蛋等的)乳品店.   shop where milk, butter, eggs, etc are sold (
  • n.  售物品的)项目, 批(尤指拍卖物)   item or number of items sold, esp at an auction sale (
  • v.  出售破烂旧物的店子.   a shop selling dreadful old tat
  • v.  售被剔来杀掉的动物以供食用.   sell the cull as meat
  •   售;上市;廉价售/售(尤指私房,私车等物)   on/for sale
  •   国限制(某些国家在签发国护照时所加的障碍)   passport barrier
  • v.  出场演戏, 行动, 表演   playact
  •   出坯推坯   knockout
  • n.  埃及事(约公元前1300年以色列人离开埃及一事).   the Exodus the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, in about 1300 BC