| - 英国国防大臣褟志辉 Geoff Hoon, British Defence Secretary
- adj. 英国圣公会是英国国教. Anglicanism is the established religion in England
- n. 英国在印度的统治(时期) British rule in India
- n. 英国在援外方面做出多少贡献? foreign aid does Britain give?
- n. 英国在欧洲的贸易伙伴 Britain's trading partners in Europe
- n. 英国在维多利亚时代非常注重礼仪. Etiquette was considered very important in Victorian England
- n. 英国地方刑事法庭的上午开庭 the morning session of the Crown Court
- 英国境外各法院 court of outside the united kingdom
- 英国外交部长 Mike O'Brien
- 英国外赫布里底岛的一种和风 cathode cation caver
- v. 英国大使代表女王参加了葬礼. The Queen was represented at the funeral by the British ambassador
- n. 英国大多数儿童靠公费受教育. Most children in Britain are educated at public expense
- 英国大法庭 Chancery
- 英国失业率很高--但许多国家也如此. Britain has a high level of unemployment but the same goes for many other countries
- adj. 英国奥尼克郡群岛的, (英国)奥克尼群岛的 orcadian
- n. 英国女人, 英格兰妇女 englishwoman