| - adj. 给女警察穿的神气笔挺的新制服. natty new uniforms for policewomen
- adj. 给她一些清咖啡--让她清醒清醒. Give her some black coffee that'll help to sober her up
- v. 给她一次警告就足以制止她做那件事了. One warning sufficed to stop her doing it
- v. 给她画的是她穿著加冕礼服的像. She is portrayed wearing her coronation robes
- adv. 给她盖好毯子. Cover her over with a blanket
- 给她送些花儿去--那是最好办的事. Send her some flowers that's the easiest thing to do
- v. 给好吃的东西,溺爱,娇养 cosher
- adj. 给婴儿吃的东西应该是温的, 不能是烫的. Food for a baby should be warm, not hot
- v. 给婴儿多喂些炖苹果 feed the baby some more stewed apple
- n. 给孩子们盖好被子. tuck the children up in bed
- n. 给孩子的)零花钱(尤指每周给的). small amount of money given to a child, esp weekly (
- 给定值偏差 deviation from the index value
- n. 给小孩屁股上一巴掌. give a child a smack on the bottom
- n. 给小马套上鞍. saddle one's pony (up)
- n. 给小马钉马蹄铁的铁匠. a blacksmith shoeing a pony
- n. 给幸存者分发御寒衣物 issue warm clothing to the survivors