| - n. 这一产品非常成功, 其名称已经家喻户晓. The product was so successful that its name became a household word
- n. 这三个词均用於货运的(而非客运的)运载工具名称之前, 也可指所运载的货物 Compare cargo, freight and goods *试比较 cargo、 freight、 goods这三个词. These words are used before the names of vehicles that transport things rather than passengers. They can also refer to the objects transported
- v. 这个地方住的人很有来头(非富即贵的人住的地方). This area is very select, ie Only the most wealthy, respectable, etc people live here
- adv. 这个房间的装饰看上去非常醒目. Visually, the decor was very striking
- v. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压. The dictator represses all opposition as illegal
- adj. 这个街角对疾驰的汽车来说非常危险. This is a nasty corner, ie is dangerous for cars going fast
- n. 这个词可指挣来的收入, 也可指并非挣来的收入. Income is the most general word for money we receive from work, investments, etc. 用以指从工作、 投资等所得的钱, income是最通用词. It can be earned or unearned income
- n. 这事非常容易. It's as easy as shelling peas, ie very easy
- n. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可. It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good
- n. 这些政策对非白种人的影响特别大. These policies will affect non-whites especially
- n. 这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的. All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents
- n. 这些画保存得非常好. The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation
- adv. 这些规则并非放诸四海而皆准. The rules do not apply universally
- v. 这些财产若非限定继承的话, 他早就卖掉了. He would have sold the property long ago had it not been entailed
- v. 这些问题并非非答不可, 但答问对我们大有助益. You are not obliged to answer these questions, but it would make our task easier
- 这些鸟冬天迁徙到北非. These birds migrate to North Africa in winter