| - adj. 露著乳房作日光浴. sunbathe topless
- 非全日性工作消防人员 part-time firemen
- 非工作日 nonworkdays
- n. 非星期日或节假日的日子. day that is not a Sunday or holiday
- v. 靠菲薄的收入精打细算过日子 contrive to live on a small income
- n. 靠赊欠过日子的无穷後患. the endless repercussions of living on credit
- n. 鞣制革, 黄褐色, 日晒后的肤色, 棕褐色, 日晒后的颜色, 茶色 tan
- 颁奖日(学校一年一度的仪式). annual school ceremony at which prizes are given to the best pupils
- 预写日志 write-ahead log
- n. 预定日期(为完成计画等订立的). a target date, ie one set for completion of a project, etc
- n. 预期, 预料, 预辩法, 预期的叙述, 预期描写法, 感觉概念, 早记日期 prolepsis
- adj. 预示灾祸的, 启示的, 预示未来灾难的, 世界末日的, 启示录的, 天启的 apocalyptic
- 预计交割日 EDD estimated delivery date
- n. 领主, 壮主, 宗主, 宗主国, 封建主, 藩王, (昔日的)宗主, 庄主, 国群主 suzerain
- 领料日记帐 MRJ materials requisition journal
- 飽食終日無所事事 to eat the bread of idleness